The Dorot Fellowship provides young North American Jewish change-makers from a variety of fields the opportunity to spend ten months developing their leadership skills while exploring the complexities of Jewishness and Israel. Both a self-directed set of activities and a cohort-based experience, the Dorot Fellowship empowers participants to exercise leadership more sustainably, more collaboratively, and more effectively.
Why a Jewish Fellowship?
We believe the Jewish people are strengthened by investment in creative, collaborative, and courageous individuals whose work is seeded throughout many sectors and communities. We invest in Dorot Fellows so that they can effectively exercise leadership to promote empathy, equity, and justice in an ever-more diverse Jewish landscape, and amidst increasingly complex societies.
Why a Fellowship in Israel?
While not all Jews are citizens of the State of Israel, we believe the State of Israel is a moral imperative of all Jews; hence, we all have a role to play in its development. To play that role responsibly and productively, we invite Dorot Fellows to deepen their literacy of the complexities and nuances of Israeli society. As part of this deepening literacy, we require Fellows to grapple with a variety of existential threats to Israel’s Jewish and democratic principles, including the continuing occupation.